SS-Unit v1.5


SS-Unit is a unit testing framework for SQL Server (i.e. T-SQL). It comprises of a set of stored procedures that allow you to write unit tests for your SQL objects and code in T-SQL itself using the familiar xUnit model. By this I mean that the concepts of Fixtures, the SetUp & TearDown helper functions and use of AssertXxx functions to verify expectations are all present. Naturally there are limitations to T-SQL that make these concepts less accessible than in a language like C# but they should be pretty easy to grasp.

For a little more rationale around why you might choose to unit test your SQL code this way rather than through, say, your back-end services see my blog posts You Write Your SQL Unit Tests in SQL? & The Public Interface of a Database.

The 'Examples' Database

The easiest way to see how SS-Unit works is to look at the examples which are contained in the SS-Unit\Examples folder. The *.dbo.sql files are intended to represent the production code and the *.test.sql scripts are the unit tests. You can run the examples either in batch mode (just as your build server would) this way:-

C:\SS-Unit\Examples> BuildDatabase .\SQLEXPRESS
C:\SS-Unit\Examples> RunTests .\SQLEXPRESS

or you can build the example database (with SS-Unit applied) and run the unit test scripts interactively through a GUI tool such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):-

C:\SS-Unit\Examples> BuildDatabase .\SQLEXPRESS
C:\SS-Unit\Examples> SSMS

These batch files take the name of the SQL Server instance and assume a database name of "SSUnit_Examples". The command line above shows how to access a local instance of SQL Server Express which is freely available and makes an excellent tool for developing SQL code via TDD as its limitations are beyond the scope of what unit testing requires.

NB: These batch files invoke SQLCMD to run the various .sql scripts and so you need to have SQLCMD on your PATH.


Most unit test frameworks come with some sort of binaries, but because this is SQL based it effectively comes as source code. It is intended that you apply it to your baseline database schema and then run your set of test scripts. There is a batch file in the Framework folder called Install.cmd that you can use to load the test framework into any database, e.g.

C:\SS-Unit\Framework> Install .\SQLEXPRESS SSUnit_Examples

That batch file uses SQLCMD to run the SQL scripts which is not exactly speedy and so there is an alternative that uses PowerShell instead, e.g.

C:\SS-Unit\Framework> Install-ps .\SQLEXPRESS SSUnit_Examples

Note: Make sure you have used PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy to allow PowerShell scripts to run on your machine.

Most likely you will already have your code in some form of Version Control System and also have some tool (or batch files) to create your baseline database. Because this library comes in source form you can just add it to your 3rd party area and then either use the supplied batch file or manually integrate it into your own build system.

The framework uses its own schema 'ssunit' and so there should be no conflicts between the objects in the framework and your production codebase.


It's assumed that you're already familiar with the xUnit testing framework - probably NUnit - but if not, then as long as you have used one of the more popular ones SS-Unit should make sense. As mentioned in the Introduction some artistic license was required to map the mechanisms a language like C# has at its disposal for metadata and reflection onto the much simpler T-SQL world.

Hello World

So, let's start with the canonical unit test equivalent of the "Hello World" program beloved by programmers everywhere:-

create procedure test._@Test@_Assert_Hello_World
    declare @expected varchar(max);
    set     @expected = 'hello world';

    exec ssunit.AssertStringEqualTo @expected, 'hello world';

exec ssunit.RunTests;

If you run this piece of code in SSMS (using, say, the SSUnit_Examples database) you should see the following output:-

Alternatively you can save the query into a text file and run it with SQLCMD:-

The first result set shows you that you ran 1 test; it passed and was called "Assert_Hello_World". Below that is a second result set showing you a summary of the test outcomes for that run.

Hello SS-Unit

To make things a little more interesting, change either the expectation or the actual value to something different and run the test again. I changed the actual value to "hello ss-unit" and got this:-

    exec ssunit.AssertStringEqualTo @expected, 'hello ss-unit';

Grrr, our first failed test! This time the outcome has changed to "FAILED" and the "Failure Reason" column is populated with a simple message that shows you why the comparison failed.

Hello Nobody

As one more final simple exercise, comment out the assert. This time the test is deemed "inconclusive" and so the outcome changes to "Unknown":-

    --exec ssunit.AssertStringEqualTo @expected, 'hello ss-unit';

It is expected that all code paths should assert at least one condition to distinguish from the scenario where an assert has just been forgotten.

Test Mechanics

It should be pretty obvious that tests are written as stored procedures - one procedure per test. It should also be apparent that the end of the SQL script must contain a call to invoke the unit test runner (exec ssunit.RunTests) at least when using a GUI tool like SSMS to run the tests. What is probably less obvious is why there is no drop procedure statement and why there are funny _@ characters in the name...

If you've used NUnit you'll be accustomed to annotating your unit tests with a [Test] attribute. This is how NUnit finds your tests without you having to register them. Sadly T-SQL doesn't support attributes and so we have to find another way to achieve the same effect. So, it uses an adornment on the test name instead: _@Test@_. Hopefully the use of the '@' symbol will make you think attribute. So these two are supposedly equivalent:-

public void Thing_ShouldDoThat_WhenItDoesThis()
. . .

create procedure _@Test@_Thing_ShouldDoThat_WhenItDoesThis
. . .

As for why you don't need to write the usual if object_id()/drop procedure prologue, that's because the test framework drops the procedure for you. Why? Because unit test names should be verbose and nothing kills your flow more than having to fix your script because you forgot to drop the proc first or you misspelled it. This then means that you can alternate between the production code and writing/running the tests very rapidly.

A slightly more subtle point you may have noticed is that all the SS-Unit objects live in a separate schema called ssunit. This gives it all the benefits of namespaces to avoid name clashes with your test or production code. The test runner assumes that all tests live in a schema called test but that can be overridden as explained later.

NB: The schema ssunit_impl is used for the implementation of SS-Unit and so there should be no need to access its objects from tests.


Due to the limitations of T-SQL not supporting overloading based on type the assert names have to encode the type instead. The set of assert procedures have been written only for the main types - integer (int), string (varchar), datetime, date and real. Given that SQL Server will do most type conversions automatically you should still be able to achieve most of your testing with just this subset.

Assert Procedure Description
AssertPass Denotes the test as having conclusively passed
AssertFail @reason Denotes the test as having conclusively failed
AssertNotImplemented Fails the test with a reason of "Not implemented"
AssertTrue @actual Compares the resultant value to 1 (i.e. true)
AssertFalse @actual Compares the resultant value to 0 (i.e. false)
AssertThrew @error, @procedure Executes a helper procedure which performs the test and should result in an error being thrown
AssertThrewAnyError @procedure Shorthand for AssertThrew '%'
AssertXxxEqualTo @expected, @actual [, @tolerance] Compares the resultant Xxx value to another for equivalence (with optional tolerance)
AssertXxxNotEqualTo @expected, @actual Compares the resultant Xxx value to another for a difference
AssertXxxLessThan @expected, @actual Performs a < comparison with the resultant Xxx value
AssertXxxLessThanOrEqualTo @expected, @actual Performs a <= comparison with the resultant Xxx value
AssertXxxGreaterThan @expected, @actual Performs a > comparison with the resultant Xxx value
AssertXxxGreaterThanOrEqualTo @expected, @actual Performs a >= comparison with the resultant Xxx value
AssertXxxIsNull @actual Compares the resultant Xxx value to NULL
AssertXxxIsNotNull @actual Compares the resultant Xxx value to NULL
AssertIntegerBetween @lower, @upper, @actual Compares an integer to a range (lower and upper bounds are inclusive)
AssertStringLike @regex, @actual Compares two strings using the LIKE operator for a match
AssertStringNotLike @regex, @actual Compares two strings using the LIKE operator for a difference
AssertTableRowCountEqualTo @expected, @table Compares the number of rows in the table with a constant
AssertTableIsEmpty @table Shorthand for AssertTableRowCountEqualTo 0
AssertTableEqualTo @expected, @actual Compares the contents of two tables for equivalence

NB: AssertPass and AssertFail provide the underpinnings of the framework - all others are implemented in terms of these two.

You will notice that each 'set' of asserts has an explicit overload for comparing with NULL. It would have been quite easy to make the AssertXxxEqualTo procedures support a comparison with NULL, but I felt that goes against how NULL's are handled in real SQL. You learn early on that NULL can be synonymous for 'unknown' and so you never write "x = null", but "x is null". Consequently in SS-Unit you don't say "AssertXxxEqualTo null, @x", but "AssertXxxIsNull @x".


SQL Server provides a Try/Catch mechanism that allows you to use an exception style of programming to deal with errors via the RAISERROR keyword. However, writing a unit test to verify that an action throws can be very verbose; so to avoid the boilerplate code obscuring the salient part of the test the AssertThrew procedure takes an extra argument that is the name of a helper procedure to invoke as part of the test, e.g.

create procedure test._@Helper@_My_Procedure_That_Throws
    -- simulate a constraint violation
    raiserror('my error', 16, 1);

create procedure test._@Test@_ShouldThrow
    exec ssunit.AssertThrew 'my error', 'test._@Helper@_My_Procedure_That_Throws';

There are also two failure modes of an AssertThrew style test as opposed to the usual one. First the helper procedure may not cause an error to be thrown, and secondly the error that is thrown may not the one expected - hence the @error argument. For example, when testing constraints, it's too easy to write a test that causes a primary key or different foreign key violation by accident instead of the desired failure and so you need the extra comparison.

The problem with scraping error messages to verify a test is that they are subject to change, at least for application specific errors. And so the message comparison is done using the LIKE operator so that you can perform a fuzzy match. One benefit to explicitly naming your constraints is that you can then use them as the @error message instead of something vaguer, e.g.

    -- Matches any FK violation
    exec ssunit.AssertThrew '%FOREIGN KEY%constraint%', 'test._@Helper@_My_Procedure_That_Throws';

    -- Matches specific constraint violation through constraint name
    exec ssunit.AssertThrew '%MyTable_FK_MyColumn%', 'test._@Helper@_My_Procedure_That_Throws';

The _@Helper@_ attribute is used to indicate a helper procedure that should also be deleted once the tests have run. If the attribute is not applied then it must be handled either with the TestSchema_Clear utility procedure or manually with a traditional drop procedure call.

SetUp & TearDown Helper Procedures

One technique for reducing noise and improving performance within the arrangement phase of a test is to factor out code into a helper function. The xUnit framework generally provides two mechanisms for two separate pairs of helper methods - one pair run per-test and the other pair run per-fixture. Within each pair the "SetUp" method is run before the test(s) and the "TearDown" method after.

In NUnit the first pair of methods are annotated with the [TestSetUp] and [TestTearDown] attributes, which in SS-Unit is mapped to the name adornments _@TestSetUp@_ and _@TestTearDown@_. Naturally it follows that the fixture-level pair in SS-Unit are similarly named _@FixtureSetUp@_ and _@FixtureTearDown@_. In both cases the rest of the procedure name is irrelevant and can be left off if so desired. Each of the four helper procedures is optional too, so you can leave out any that you don't need.

This just leaves the question of how you define a fixture. In NUnit it is the name of the class that contains the test methods, but there are no classes in T-SQL and so once again we must look to adorn the test name. This time we use the format _$FixtureName$_. So, putting this all together we have the following example of how to write a test that has both fixture-level and test-level SetUp & TearDown helpers:-

create procedure test._@FixtureSetUp@_$CounterTests$_
    create table test.TestCounter
        Value int

    insert into test.TestCounter(Value) values(1);

create procedure test._@FixtureTearDown@_$CounterTests$_
    drop table test.TestCounter;

create procedure test._@TestSetUp@_$CounterTests$_
    update test.TestCounter
    set    Value = Value + 10;

create procedure test._@TestTearDown@_$CounterTests$_
    update test.TestCounter
    set    Value = 1;

create procedure test._@Test@_$CounterTests$_CounterShouldEqualElevenAfterSetUp
    declare @value int;
    select  @value = Value from test.TestCounter;

    exec ssunit.AssertIntegerEqualTo 11, @value;

exec ssunit.RunTests;

There is no restriction on the number of fixtures and tests that you can define in a single script. If you prefer you can run all the test creation scripts in one phase and then execute ssunit.RunTests right at the end in one go.

General Helper Procedures

The SetUp and TearDown helper procedures are specific instances of procedures that are used to keep the test code readable by factoring out common code that is invoked before and/or after the tests are run. Sometimes you have code that is only common to a subset of the tests but you still want to factor it out, or as explained earlier, you are writing the helper used to test that an error is correctly raised. In these instances you can adorn the procedure with the _@Helper@_ attribute:-

create procedure test._@Helper@_Do_common_action
    -- Do something common such as inserting a piece of data

create procedure test._@Test@_Something_ShouldHappen_WhenAnotherThingOccurs
    -- Use helper in the arangement phase
    exec test._@Helper@_Do_common_action;

    -- Act

    -- Assert

Test procedures are dropped right after execution whereas helper procedures are only dropped at the end of the test run so they can be used multiple times.


Originally the only way to compare the contents of tables, views, stored procedures, etc. was by capturing the output and executing a SELECT that looked for the exact data with a complex WHERE clause. Now you can build a replica table with the expected data and assert the two tables have the same contents, e.g.

create procedure test._@FixtureSetUp@_$MyFixture$_
    create table test.Actual
        FirstColumn     int not null,
        SecondColumn    varchar(100) null,

    create table test.Expected
        FirstColumn     int not null,
        SecondColumn    varchar(100) null,

create procedure test._@FixtureTearDown@_$MyFixture$_
    drop table test.Expected;
    drop table test.Actual;

create procedure test._@Test@_$MyFixture$_TablesShouldMatch
    insert into test.Actual
    exec pub.MyProcThatReturnsResults;

    insert into test.Expected(FirstColumn, SecondColumn)
              select 41, 'forty-one'
    union all select 42, 'forty-two'
    union all select 43, 'forty-three'

    exec ssunit.AssertTableEqualTo 'test.Expected', 'test.Actual';

Here we use the SetUp and TearDown helper procedures to define the schema for the tables we're going to use to capture the results and build the replica. Using the "INSERT INTO/UNION ALL SELECT" idiom we can build the table with our expected data in a nice readable fashion and then invoke the comparison.

NB: Under the covers AssertTableEqualTo just performs a UNION ALL and GROUP BY using dynamic SQL and so the two table schemas must be identical.

Test Runner Parameters

The procedure you invoke to run the test suite (ssunit.RunTests) supports a number of parameters to control various aspects of test execution and reporting:-

Parameter Description
@schemaName Specify this if you want to run tests in a schema other than 'test'
@displayWidth When running in 'batch mode' the console width is assumed to be 80 chars wide, use this parameter to widen or truncate the output
@reportResults An enumeration value used to control the output of the per-test results (see blow)
@reportSummary An enumeration value used to control the output of the results summary (see blow)
@isInteractive Override the SQL client type by setting this to 0 for batch mode and 1 for interactive
@testNameFilter The full or partial name of a single test or tests to run (uses LIKE to match test names)
@tearDownFirst Flag to run the test & fixture tear down procedures before running the fixture set up

The following example shows how to use a different schema and widen the output when running in batch mode:-

exec ssunit.RunTests @schemaName = 'unit_test',
                     @displayWidth = 180;

The @reportResults and @reportSummary parameters are enumeration values of the pseudo-type ssunit.ReportCondition. Essentially this is a tinyint value with UDFs taking the place of the enumeration symbols (so you don't hard-code a literal value):-

Value Symbol Description
Never ReportCondition_Never Never generate the report
Always ReportCondition_Always Always generate the report
On Failure ReportCondition_OnFailure Only generate the report when at least one test has failed

The following example shows how to configure the runner to only generate the per-test results when a test has failed:-

declare @onFailure ssunit.ReportCondition = ssunit.ReportCondition_OnFailure();

exec ssunit.RunTests @reportResults = @onFailure;

For more details about using UDFs to encapsulate constants and enumerations see my blog post Implementing Constants & Enumerations in a Database.

The @testNameFilter allows you to focus on a single test, or group of similarly named tests. This is useful when your test fixture is quite large and you want to minimise the noise in the output, say, in SSMS. To run a single test just specify the entire test name:-

exec ssunit.RunTests @testNameFilter = 'test._@Test@_SystemUser_ShouldThrow_WhenDuplicateLoginNameAdded';

The filter is applied to the test names using the LIKE operator which means you can match more than one test by using the wildcard characters:-

exec ssunit.RunTests @testNameFilter = '%_SystemUser_%';

Global Parameters

To reduce the noise within each test script and ease the burden of constantly setting the test runner parameters there is a global collection of these that only need to be set once. You still have the option to override these defaults on a per-script basis by passing different values when invoking ssunit.RunTests. The table below lists the parameters and the API procedure used to set its default:-

Parameter API Procedure
@schemaName ssunit.Configuration_SetSchemaNameDefault
@displayWidth ssunit.Configuration_SetDisplayWidthDefault
@reportResults ssunit.Configuration_SetReportResultsDefault
@reportSummary ssunit.Configuration_SetReportSummaryDefault
@tearDownFirst ssunit.Configuration_SetTearDownFirstDefault

NB: The @isInteractive parameter was added to aid in testing SS-Unit and as a workaround for when the UDF ssunit.IsInteractive() doesn't correctly categorise the client so there is no way to override the default.

Console Display Width

The framework has the notion of whether the tests are being run interactively, such as via SSMS, or in batch mode via a command line tool like SQLCMD. This discovery is done by the UDF ssunit.IsInteractive() which just queries the built-in app_name() function and matches it to known SQL clients.

The @displayWidth parameter is only used in batch mode and allows the runner to size the "Test Name" and "Failure Reason" columns to avoid ugly text wrapping in a console window. When running as part of an automated build you are probably redirecting the output and so effectively want to configure an "infinitely wide" console instead.

As of v1.0 the SS-Unit framework test script (RunTests.cmd) uses the global parameters feature to set the display width once by invoking the relevant procedure:-

set displayWidth=120
. . .
sqlcmd -E -S %server% -d %database% -Q "exec ssunit.Configuration_SetDisplayWidthDefault %displayWidth%"

Prior to v1.0 the test script used the variables feature of SQLCMD to inject the display width into the test script at run time:-

set displayWidth=120
. . .
sqlcmd -E -S %server% -d %database% -i "%%f" -v DisplayWidth=%displayWidth%

Then in the SQL test script you need to parse that into an int so it can be supplied to RunTests. You also need to remember that the same script run under SSMS will not substitute the variable and so you need to guard against it causing an error:-

declare @displayWidth int = case when (isnumeric('$(DisplayWidth)') = 0)
                                 then 80
                                 else convert(int, '$(DisplayWidth)')

exec ssunit.RunTests @displayWidth = @displayWidth;
Avoiding Cross-Talk

One of the problems with database unit testing is the stateful nature of the database. In an ideal world you could build the database before each test is run to minimise the problems of one test interfering with another, such as when you forget to clean-up a temporary results table or adorn a helper procedure with _@Helper@_.

Sadly performance problems make this idea unworkable in all but the most trivial cases and so it is preferable to build the database once and try and avoid them by remembering to clean-up correctly in the TearDown procedures. Given the distinct lack of data when unit testing it is feasible to write a permanent helper procedure that just deletes from every table as part of the fixture TearDown; you could also call it as part of the fixture SetUp for a belt-and-braces approach.

To aid with the schema side of the problem SS-Unit provides a procedure that you can use to "wipe the schema clean" before running any new tests - ssunit.TestSchema_Clear. This procedure will drop all objects in the specified schema (or 'test' by default) so that you won't have any errors caused by attempting to create duplicate objects.

Putting these ideas together means that a boiler-plate test script might look like the following:-

exec ssunit.TestSchema_Clear;

create procedure test._@FixtureSetUp@_$MyFixture$_
    exec my_test_helpers.ClearAllTables;

create procedure test._@FixtureTearDown@_$MyFixture$_
    exec my_test_helpers.ClearAllTables;

-- Tests go here...

exec ssunit.RunTests;

A halfway house that can get you back to a stable point after messing up your test initially is to call the TearDown procedures manually to wipe the slate clean. You could also call them as the first step in your FixtureSetUp to ensure that you're always starting the tests with no data. The @tearDownFirst parameter was designed to automate this all for you. The only thing you need to remember is to add a guard when dropping objects as they may not exist the first time round.

create procedure test._@FixtureSetUp@_$MyFixture$_
    create table test.Result( . . . );

create procedure test._@FixtureTearDown@_$MyFixture$_
    if (object_id('test.Result') is not null)
        drop table test.Result;

    delete from MyData;

Once you get more familiar with the kinds of SQL error messages you see whilst writing unit tests with SS-Unit you may decide to forgo the pessimistic prologue and just stick to the actual tests and invoking ssunit.RunTests.

NB: The reason the test runner doesn't use nested transactions to avoid the data problem is to ensure that the production code runs as much as possible as it would in the real world.

Detecting the SS-Unit Version

Some database deployment techniques rely on applying "deltas" or "patches" to take the database from one release to the next. This may mean that your 3rd Party components (i.e. SS-Unit) are also on different versions and so there is a UDF that tells you what version is installed, e.g.

declare @version ssunit.Version = ssunit.Version();

if (@version >= 150)
    -- SS-Unit version is 1.5+

The version number is an integral value so that 1.0.0 = 100, 1.5.0 = 150, etc.

License & Warranty

This library is freeware - you get what you pay for, nothing more, nothing less.

Contact Details

Please check the web site for updates.


Chris Oldwood
12th February 2013