Version 1.6 =========== - Changed the product abbreviation to "SQL-Unit" (#7). - Fixed the build scripts to ensure they fail correctly when SQLCMD fails (#6). - Improved the output when a table comparison assert fails (#5). - Fixed a bug where the fixture-level tear-down handler was called for every test (#3). - Fixed a bug where long-named test procedures wouldn't be dropped (#2). - Added optional script switch "--use-ps" to enable the faster PowerShell based SQL runner. - Added optional script argument so the database names can be customised (#1). Version 1.5 =========== - Added support for comparing the contents of two tables (i.e. actual/expected). - Added support for comparing Date and Real values. - Added support for using a ms tolerance when comparing DateTime values. - Fixed a bug in AssertTableRowCountEqualTo when the table has other indexes. - Added AssertXxxIsNotNull overloads. - Added ability to invoke TearDown helpers before the fixture SetUp helper. - Fixed matching of "_@attribute@_" so that it can appear anywhere in the procedure name. - Added check to ensure that there can only be one SetUp/TearDown per fixture. - Added filter parameter to RunTests so that you can just run a subset of the tests. - Fixed a bug where the TearDown procedure was not called when the test unexpectedly threw. - Added a Version() UDF so that it's possible to conditionally enable asserts. - Added check for invalid "_@attribute@_" names so spelling mistakes get highlighted. - Fixed TestSchema_Clear so that it removes UDT's defined in the schema too. - Added a much faster install script that uses PowerShell instead of SQLCMD. Version 1.0 =========== - Added various new AssertXxx procedures. - Added support for globally configuring the test runner. - Removed fixture name from test results to help readability. - Added procedure to clear out all objects from the test schema. - Added support for only listing detailed results when a test fails. - Added _@Helper@_ attribute to denote helper procedures (AssertThrew now relies on this). - Added handling of fixture set-up/tear-down errors. - Split SQL code into separate public and private schemas. Version 0.9 =========== - Added support for per-test and per-fixture SetUp & TearDown procedures. - Added more assert procedures (less than, greater than, like etc.). - Added ability to run tests defined in schemas other than 'test'. - Added support for overriding the output width in batch mode. Version 0.5 =========== - First public alpha. Chris Oldwood 12th July 2014