Core Library
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
RefCntPtr.hpp File Reference

The RefCntPtr class declaration. More...

#include "RefCounted.hpp"
#include "BadLogicException.hpp"


class  Core::RefCntPtr< T >
 The smart-pointer type for use with types that contain their own reference counting mechanism, e.g. More...


namespace  Core

The Core Library namespace.


template<typename T >
T ** Core::attachTo (RefCntPtr< T > &ptr)
 Helper function to gain access to the internal member so that it can be passed as an output parameter, without overloading the & operator.
template<typename P , typename U >
RefCntPtr< P > Core::static_ptr_cast (const RefCntPtr< U > &oPtr)
 A variant of static_cast<> that can be used to create a RefCntPtr of the derived ptr type from the base ptr type.
template<typename P , typename U >
RefCntPtr< P > Core::dynamic_ptr_cast (const RefCntPtr< U > &oPtr)
 A variant of dynamic_cast<> that can be used to create a RefCntPtr of the derived ptr type from the base ptr type.

Detailed Description

The RefCntPtr class declaration.

Chris Oldwood