Core Library
Algorithm.hpp | Extensions to the standard <algorithm> functions |
AnsiWide.cpp | Ansi/Wide string conversion functions |
AnsiWide.hpp | Ansi/Wide string conversion functions |
ArrayPtr.hpp | The ArrayPtr class declaration |
BadLogicException.hpp | The BadLogicException class declaration |
BuildConfig.hpp | Definitions that configure the build |
CmdLineException.hpp | The CmdLineException class declaration |
CmdLineParser.cpp | The CmdLineParser class definition |
CmdLineParser.hpp | The CmdLineParser class declaration |
CmdLineSwitch.hpp | The CmdLineSwitch structure declaration |
Common.hpp | File to include the most commonly used headers |
ConfigurationException.hpp | The ConfigurationException class declaration |
Debug.cpp | Debug reporting functions |
Debug.hpp | Debug reporting functions and macros |
Exception.cpp | The Exception class definition |
Exception.hpp | The Exception class declaration |
FileSystem.cpp | FileSystem helper functions |
FileSystem.hpp | FileSystem helper functions |
FileSystemException.hpp | The FileSystemException class declaration |
Interlocked.hpp | Define the intrinsic forms of the Interlocked* functions |
InvalidArgException.hpp | The InvalidArgException class declaration |
LeakReporter.cpp | The special static object used to report memory leaks |
NotCopyable.hpp | The NotCopyable class declaration |
NotImplException.hpp | The NotImplException class declaration |
nullptr.hpp | The nullptr class declaration |
NullPtrException.hpp | The NullPtrException class declaration |
ParseException.hpp | The ParseException class declaration |
pch.cpp | The file used when creating the pre-compiled header |
Pragmas.hpp | Disables annoying Level 4 warnings |
RefCntPtr.hpp | The RefCntPtr class declaration |
RefCounted.hpp | The RefCounted class declaration |
RuntimeException.hpp | The RuntimeException class declaration |
Scoped.hpp | The Scoped class declaration |
SharedPtr.hpp | The SharedPtr template class declaration |
SmartPtr.hpp | The SmartPtr class declaration |
StringUtils.cpp | Utility functions for formatting strings |
StringUtils.hpp | Utility functions for formatting strings |
TextFileIterator.cpp | The TextFileIterator class definition |
TextFileIterator.hpp | The TextFileIterator class declaration |
tfstream.hpp | Build independent fstream header |
tiosfwd.hpp | Build independent iosfwd definitions |
tiostream.hpp | Build independent iostream definitions |
Tokeniser.cpp | The Tokeniser class definition |
Tokeniser.hpp | The Tokeniser class declaration |
tstring.hpp | Build independent string definitions |
Types.hpp | Common data types, defines and macros |
UniquePtr.hpp | The UniquePtr class declaration |
UnitTest.cpp | Functions for writing simple unit tests |
UnitTest.hpp | Macros and functions for writing simple unit tests |
WinTargets.hpp | Configure the Windows versions the build can support |