Windows C++ Library
CIniFile Member List
This is the complete list of members for CIniFile, including all inherited members.
CIniFile(const tchar *pszPath)CIniFile
CIniFile(const tchar *pszDir, const tchar *pszFile)CIniFile
DeleteEntry(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry)CIniFile
DeleteSection(const tchar *pszSection)CIniFile
ReadBool(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, bool bDefault) const CIniFile
ReadBool(const tstring &strSection, const tstring &strEntry, bool bDefault) const CIniFile
ReadInt(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, int nDefault) const CIniFile
ReadLong(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, long lDefault) const CIniFile
ReadRect(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, const CRect &rcDefault) const CIniFile
ReadSection(const tchar *pszSection, CStrArray &astrEntries)CIniFile
ReadSection(const tchar *pszSection, CStrArray &astrKeys, CStrArray &astrValues)CIniFile
ReadSectionNames(CStrArray &astrNames)CIniFile
ReadString(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, const tchar *pszDefault) const CIniFile
ReadString(const tstring &strSection, const tstring &strEntry, const tstring &strDefault) const CIniFile
ReadStrings(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, tchar cSep, const tchar *pszDefault) const CIniFile
ReadUInt(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, uint nDefault) const CIniFile
WriteBool(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, bool bValue)CIniFile
WriteInt(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, int nValue)CIniFile
WriteLong(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, long lValue)CIniFile
WriteRect(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, const CRect &rcValue)CIniFile
WriteString(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, const tchar *pszValue)CIniFile
WriteString(const tstring &strSection, const tstring &strEntry, const tstring &strValue)CIniFile
WriteStrings(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, tchar cSep, const CStrArray &astrValues)CIniFile
WriteUInt(const tchar *pszSection, const tchar *pszEntry, uint nValue)CIniFile