Windows C++ Library
WCL::AppConfig | The facade used for reading and writing application settings |
WCL::AutoCom | An RAII style class for initialising and uninitialising COM |
CAccel | |
CApp | |
CAutoBool | |
CAutoThreadLock | |
CBitmap | |
CBrush | |
CBuffer | |
CBusyCursor | |
CButton | |
CCheckBox | |
CCheckBoxList | |
CClipboard | |
CCmdBitmap | |
CCmdButton | |
CCmdControl | |
CComboBox | |
CComCtl32 | |
CCriticalSection | |
CCtrlWnd | |
CCursor | |
CDate | |
CDateSpan | |
CDateTime | |
CDateTimePicker | |
CDateTimeSpan | |
CDC | |
CDecimalBox | |
CDialog | |
CDlgFrame | |
CDll | |
CDoc | |
CEditBox | |
CEvent | |
CFile | |
CFileException | |
CFont | |
CFrameMenu | |
CFrameWnd | |
CHelpFile | |
CHintBar | |
CIcon | |
CIconCtrl | |
CImageList | |
CIniFile | |
CLabel | |
CLibrary | |
CListBox | |
CListView | |
CLogFont | |
CMainDlg | |
CMainThread | |
CCmdControl::CMD | |
CMemDC | |
CMemStream | |
CMemStreamException | |
CMenu | |
CModule | |
CMRUList | |
CMsgThread | |
CMsgWnd | |
CNetFinder | |
WCL::ComException | The exception type thrown for COM errors |
WCL::ComPtr< T > | A smart-pointer type for use with COM objects and interfaces |
WCL::ComStr | An RAII class for managing COM strings, aka a BSTR |
WCL::ConsoleApp | The base class for Console type applications |
CPath | |
CPathEditBox | |
CPen | |
CPoint | |
CPopupMenu | |
CPopupWnd | |
CPrinter | |
CPrinterDC | |
CProgressBar | |
CPropertyPage | |
CPropertySheet | |
CRadioBtn | |
CRect | |
CScreenDC | |
CSDIApp | |
CSDICmds | |
CSDIDoc | |
CSDIFrame | |
CSize | |
CSplitWnd | This is a window which hosts 2 other windows either side by side or one above the other |
CStaticCtrl | |
CStatusBar | |
CStatusBarIcon | |
CStatusBarLabel | |
CStatusBarPanel | |
CStdWnd | |
CStrArray | |
CStrCvt | |
CStrCvtException | |
CStream | The legacy abstract base class used for bidirectional I/O |
CStreamException | |
CString | |
CStrTok | |
CSysInfo | |
CTabCtrl | |
CTabWndHost | |
CThread | |
CThreadJob | |
CThreadPool | |
CTime | |
CTimeSpan | |
CToolBar | |
CToolTip | |
CTransparentBmp | |
CTrayIcon | |
CDialog::CTRL | |
CToolBar::CTRL | |
CMsgWnd::CTRLMSG | |
CUpDownBtns | |
CURLLabel | |
CView | |
CWnd | |
CWndMap | |
CClipboard::FmtEntry | |
WCL::FolderIterator | An iterator for enumerating the file and directory names in a filesystem folder |
FontMapEntry | |
WCL::IConfigProvider | The interface for providers that store application settings |
WCL::IFacePtr< T > | A smart-pointer type for use with COM interfaces |
WCL::IFaceTraits< T > | Interface traits used to workaround compilers which do not support the __uuidof() extension |
WCL::IInputStream | The interface implemented by streams that support reading |
IMsgFilter | |
WCL::IniFileCfgProvider | The config data provider that uses an .ini file for storage |
WCL::IOutputStream | The interface implemented by streams that support writing |
WCL::IStreamBase | The base interface for the IInputStream and IOutputStream interfaces |
IThreadLock | |
LVColumn | |
CPropertySheet::PAGE_ENTRY | |
WCL::RegistryCfgProvider | The config data provider that uses the Registry for storage |
WCL::RegistryException | The exception type thrown by the RegKey class |
WCL::RegKey | The class used to read and write from the loca Registry |
WCL::SeTranslator | The RAII style class used to install and uninstall the Structured Exception translator function |
CString::StringData | |
WCL::StructuredException | The type of exception thrown when a Win32 structured exception occurs |
ThreadPoolThread | |
WCL::TraceLogger | The logger used to write CRT output message to a file |
WCL::VerInfoReader::Translation | The language details of a specific Version Information translation |
WCL::TreeView | The TreeView common control |
WCL::Variant | A wrapper facade for the VARIANT type |
WCL::VariantVector< T > | A Wrapper Facade for a 1-dimension SAFEARRAY |
WCL::VerInfoReader | A reader for the Version Information embeded inside the resources of an .exe or .dll |
WCL::Win32Exception | The base class for all exception types that are the result of Win32 API calls |