Core Library
Namespaces | Defines | Typedefs | Functions
tstring.hpp File Reference

Build independent string definitions. More...

#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>


namespace  Core

The Core Library namespace.


#define TXT(x)   L ## x
 Build agnostic string literal. Maps to "" or L"".
#define tstrlen   wcslen
#define tstrnlen   wcsnlen
#define tstrlwr   _wcslwr
#define tstrupr   _wcsupr
#define tstrcmp   wcscmp
#define tstricmp   _wcsicmp
#define tstrncmp   wcsncmp
#define tstrnicmp   _wcsnicmp
#define tstrcpy   wcscpy
#define tstrncpy   wcsncpy
#define tstrcat   wcscat
#define tstrtok   wcstok
#define tstrchr   wcschr
#define tstrrchr   wcsrchr
#define tstrstr   wcsstr
#define tstrtol   wcstol
#define tstrtoul   wcstoul
#define tstrtod   wcstod
#define tstrtoll   _wcstoi64
#define tstrtoull   _wcstoui64
#define tatoi   _wtoi
#define tatol   _wtol
#define tisspace   iswspace


typedef wchar_t tchar
 Build agnostic character type. Maps to char or wchat_t.
typedef wchar_t utchar
 Build agnostic unsigned character type.
typedef std::wstring tstring
 Build agnostic string type.
typedef std::wostream tostream
 Build agnostic output stream type.
typedef std::wistream tistream
 Build agnostic input stream type.


template<typename CharT >
size_t Core::numBytes (size_t nChars)
 Calculate the number of bytes required to represent a string of the given number of characters.
size_t Core::numBytes (const char *psz)
 Calculate the number of bytes required to represent the string.
size_t Core::numBytes (const wchar_t *psz)
 Calculate the number of bytes required to represent the string.

Detailed Description

Build independent string definitions.

Chris Oldwood

Define Documentation

#define TXT (   x)    L ## x

Build agnostic string literal. Maps to "" or L"".

#define tstrlen   wcslen
#define tstrnlen   wcsnlen
#define tstrlwr   _wcslwr
#define tstrupr   _wcsupr
#define tstrcmp   wcscmp
#define tstricmp   _wcsicmp
#define tstrncmp   wcsncmp
#define tstrnicmp   _wcsnicmp
#define tstrcpy   wcscpy
#define tstrncpy   wcsncpy
#define tstrcat   wcscat
#define tstrtok   wcstok
#define tstrchr   wcschr
#define tstrrchr   wcsrchr
#define tstrstr   wcsstr
#define tstrtol   wcstol
#define tstrtoul   wcstoul
#define tstrtod   wcstod
#define tstrtoll   _wcstoi64
#define tstrtoull   _wcstoui64
#define tatoi   _wtoi
#define tatol   _wtol
#define tisspace   iswspace

Typedef Documentation

typedef wchar_t tchar

Build agnostic character type. Maps to char or wchat_t.

typedef wchar_t utchar

Build agnostic unsigned character type.

typedef std::wstring tstring

Build agnostic string type.

typedef std::wostream tostream

Build agnostic output stream type.

typedef std::wistream tistream

Build agnostic input stream type.