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CMsgWnd Class Reference

#include <MsgWnd.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CMsgWnd:
CWnd CDialog CPopupWnd CMainDlg CPropertyPage CCtrlWnd CFrameWnd CHintBar CSplitWnd CStatusBar CStatusBarPanel CStdWnd CToolBar CView CDlgFrame CSDIFrame

List of all members.


struct  CTRLMSG

Public Member Functions

 CMsgWnd ()
int HorzScrollPos (int iPos, bool bRepaint=true)
int VertScrollPos (int iPos, bool bRepaint=true)
int HorzScrollPos ()
int VertScrollPos ()
void HorzScrollRange (int iMin, int iMax, bool bRepaint=true)
void VertScrollRange (int iMin, int iMax, bool bRepaint=true)

Protected Types

typedef LRESULT(CMsgWnd::* PFNMSGHANDLER )(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
typedef void(CMsgWnd::* PFNCMDMSGHANDLER )()

Protected Member Functions

virtual LRESULT WndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
virtual LRESULT DefaultWndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)=0
virtual void OnCreate (const CRect &rcClient)
virtual void OnActivate (bool bActivating)
virtual void OnEraseBackground (CDC &rDC)
virtual void OnPaint (CDC &rDC)
virtual void OnResize (WCL::ResizeFlags iFlag, const CSize &NewSize)
virtual void OnTimer (WCL::TimerID iTimerID)
virtual void OnShow (bool bShowing)
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void OnNCDestroy ()
virtual void OnHorizScroll (WCL::ScrollbarFlags iCode, uint iPos)
virtual void OnVertScroll (WCL::ScrollbarFlags iCode, uint iPos)
virtual void OnCmdMsg (uint iID)
virtual void OnCtrlMsg (uint iID, uint iMsg, HWND hControl)
virtual LRESULT OnCtrlMsg (NMHDR &rMsgHdr)
virtual void OnReflectedCtrlMsg (uint iMsg)
virtual void OnReflectedCtrlMsg (NMHDR &rMsgHdr)
virtual void OnMeasureItem (uint iID, uint iItem, uint &iWidth, uint &iHeight)
virtual void OnDrawItem (uint iID, uint iAction, uint iState, CDC &rDC, uint iItem, const CRect &rcItem)
virtual void OnSetCursor (HWND hWnd, uint nHitCode, uint nMouseMsg)
virtual void OnCtlColour (uint nCtlClrMsg, HDC hDC, HWND hCtlWnd)
virtual HBRUSH OnReflectedCtlClr (uint nCtlClrMsg, HDC hDC)
virtual void OnHelp (HELPINFO &oInfo)
virtual void OnUserMsg (uint nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
virtual void OnAppMsg (uint nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
virtual void OnRegisteredMsg (uint nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
virtual void OnHitTest (const CPoint &ptCursor)
WNDPROC WindowProc (WNDPROC lpfnWndProc)
void MsgHandled (BOOL bHandled)
void MsgResult (LRESULT lResult)
void SetMsgResult (BOOL bHandled, LRESULT lResult)
 Set the result for the message.
BOOL * MsgHandledBuffer (BOOL *pbBuffer)
LRESULT * MsgResultBuffer (LRESULT *plBuffer)

Protected Attributes


Private Member Functions

 CMsgWnd (const CMsgWnd &)
CMsgWndoperator= (const CMsgWnd &)

Private Attributes

BOOL * m_pbMsgHandled
LRESULT * m_plMsgResult

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef LRESULT(CMsgWnd::* CMsgWnd::PFNMSGHANDLER)(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) [protected]
typedef void(CMsgWnd::* CMsgWnd::PFNCMDMSGHANDLER)() [protected]
typedef LRESULT(CMsgWnd::* CMsgWnd::PFNNFYMSGHANDLER)(NMHDR &rMsgHdr) [protected]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CMsgWnd::CMsgWnd ( const CMsgWnd ) [private]

Member Function Documentation

int CMsgWnd::HorzScrollPos ( int  iPos,
bool  bRepaint = true 
) [inline]
int CMsgWnd::VertScrollPos ( int  iPos,
bool  bRepaint = true 
) [inline]
int CMsgWnd::HorzScrollPos ( ) [inline]
int CMsgWnd::VertScrollPos ( ) [inline]
void CMsgWnd::HorzScrollRange ( int  iMin,
int  iMax,
bool  bRepaint = true 
) [inline]
void CMsgWnd::VertScrollRange ( int  iMin,
int  iMax,
bool  bRepaint = true 
) [inline]
LRESULT CMsgWnd::WndProc ( HWND  hWnd,
UINT  iMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [protected, virtual]
virtual LRESULT CMsgWnd::DefaultWndProc ( HWND  hWnd,
UINT  iMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in CDialog, and CPopupWnd.

void CMsgWnd::OnCreate ( const CRect rcClient) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnActivate ( bool  bActivating) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CPopupWnd.

void CMsgWnd::OnEraseBackground ( CDC rDC) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnPaint ( CDC rDC) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnResize ( WCL::ResizeFlags  iFlag,
const CSize NewSize 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnTimer ( WCL::TimerID  iTimerID) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CCmdButton.

void CMsgWnd::OnShow ( bool  bShowing) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnDestroy ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CSDIFrame, and CDlgFrame.

void CMsgWnd::OnNCDestroy ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CCmdButton.

void CMsgWnd::OnHorizScroll ( WCL::ScrollbarFlags  iCode,
uint  iPos 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnVertScroll ( WCL::ScrollbarFlags  iCode,
uint  iPos 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnCmdMsg ( uint  iID) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnCtrlMsg ( uint  iID,
uint  iMsg,
HWND  hControl 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CToolBar.

LRESULT CMsgWnd::OnCtrlMsg ( NMHDR &  rMsgHdr) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CToolBar, and CPropertyPage.

void CMsgWnd::OnReflectedCtrlMsg ( uint  iMsg) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CComboBox, CListBox, and CEditBox.

void CMsgWnd::OnReflectedCtrlMsg ( NMHDR &  rMsgHdr) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CTabCtrl.

void CMsgWnd::OnMeasureItem ( uint  iID,
uint  iItem,
uint &  iWidth,
uint &  iHeight 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnDrawItem ( uint  iID,
uint  iAction,
uint  iState,
uint  iItem,
const CRect rcItem 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CCmdButton.

void CMsgWnd::OnSetCursor ( HWND  hWnd,
uint  nHitCode,
uint  nMouseMsg 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CSplitWnd, and CURLLabel.

void CMsgWnd::OnCtlColour ( uint  nCtlClrMsg,
HWND  hCtlWnd 
) [protected, virtual]
HBRUSH CMsgWnd::OnReflectedCtlClr ( uint  nCtlClrMsg,
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CURLLabel.

void CMsgWnd::OnHelp ( HELPINFO &  oInfo) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnUserMsg ( uint  nMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnAppMsg ( uint  nMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnRegisteredMsg ( uint  nMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [protected, virtual]
void CMsgWnd::OnHitTest ( const CPoint ptCursor) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in CDialog, and CStatusBar.

WNDPROC CMsgWnd::WindowProc ( WNDPROC  lpfnWndProc) [inline, protected]
void CMsgWnd::MsgHandled ( BOOL  bHandled) [inline, protected]
void CMsgWnd::MsgResult ( LRESULT  lResult) [inline, protected]
void CMsgWnd::SetMsgResult ( BOOL  bHandled,
LRESULT  lResult 
) [inline, protected]

Set the result for the message.

This method replaces the need to make two calls - one to MsgHandled() and one to MsgResult() - with a single call.

BOOL * CMsgWnd::MsgHandledBuffer ( BOOL *  pbBuffer) [inline, protected]
LRESULT * CMsgWnd::MsgResultBuffer ( LRESULT *  plBuffer) [inline, protected]
CMsgWnd& CMsgWnd::operator= ( const CMsgWnd ) [private]

Member Data Documentation

BOOL* CMsgWnd::m_pbMsgHandled [private]
LRESULT* CMsgWnd::m_plMsgResult [private]

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