Core Library
Namespaces | Defines | Typedefs | Functions
UnitTest.hpp File Reference

Macros and functions for writing simple unit tests. More...

#include <set>
#include "tiostream.hpp"
#include "StringUtils.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>


namespace  Core

The Core Library namespace.


#define TEST_TRUE(x)
 Test that the expression result is true.
#define TEST_FALSE(x)
 Test that the expression result is false.
#define TEST_THROWS(x)
 Test that the expression casuses an exception.
#define TEST_PASSED(r)   Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(r), true);
 Mark that the test has passed for the specified reason.
#define TEST_FAILED(r)   Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(r), false);
 Mark that the test has failed for the specified reason.
#define TEST_SUITE(c, v)
 Test suite preparation.
 Test suite reporting and cleanup.
#define TEST_SUITE_RUN()
 Run the self-registering test sets.
#define TEST_SUITE_MAIN(c, v)
 Handle the entire setup, execution and reporting of the test suite.
#define TEST_SET(t)
 Define a set of test cases.
#define TEST_SET_END
 End the test set definition.
 Define the test case setup function.
 End the test case setup function definition.
 Define the test case teardown function.
 End the test case teardown function definition.
#define TEST_CASE(t)
 Define a test case.
 End the test case definition.


typedef std::set< tstringCore::TestSetFilters
 A collection of test suite names.
typedef void(* Core::TestSetFn )()
 The Test Set run function type.
typedef void(* Core::TestCaseSetUpFn )()
 The test case SetUp function type.
typedef void(* Core::TestCaseTearDownFn )()
 The test case TearDown function type.


 __declspec (dllimport) void __stdcall DebugBreak()
bool Core::parseCmdLine (int argc, tchar *argv[], TestSetFilters &filters)
 Parse the command line.
bool Core::registerTestSet (const tchar *name, TestSetFn runner)
 Register a test set runner function.
bool Core::runTestSets (const TestSetFilters &filters)
 Run the self-registering test sets.
void Core::onStartTestSet (const tchar *name)
 Start the test set.
void Core::onEndTestSet ()
 End the test set.
void Core::defineTestCaseSetup (TestCaseSetUpFn setup)
 Define the test case setup function.
void Core::defineTestCaseTearDown (TestCaseTearDownFn teardown)
 Define the test case teardown function.
bool Core::onStartTestCase (const tchar *name)
 Start a new test case.
void Core::onEndTestCase ()
 End a test case.
void Core::processAssertResult (const char *file, size_t line, const tchar *expression, bool passed)
 Write the assert result to stdout.
void Core::processTestException (const char *file, size_t line, const tchar *error)
 Process an unexpected exception running a test case.
void Core::processSetupTeardownException (const tchar *function, const tchar *error)
 Process an unexpected exception during setup or teardown.
void Core::setTestRunFinalStatus (bool successful)
 Set how the test run completed.
void Core::writeTestsSummary ()
 Write the summary of the test results to the debugger stream and stdout.
int Core::getTestProcessResult ()
 Get the test process result code.

Detailed Description

Macros and functions for writing simple unit tests.

Chris Oldwood

Define Documentation

#define TEST_TRUE (   x)
try {                                                                       \
                            if (x)  Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), true);   \
                            else    Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);  \
                        } catch(const Core::Exception& e) {                                         \
                            Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), e.twhat());          \
                            Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);          \
                        } catch(...) {                                                              \
                            Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), TXT("UNKNOWN"));     \
                            Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);          \

Test that the expression result is true.

#define TEST_FALSE (   x)
try {                                                                       \
                            if (x)  Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);  \
                            else    Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), true);   \
                        } catch(const Core::Exception& e) {                                         \
                            Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), e.twhat());          \
                            Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);          \
                        } catch(...) {                                                              \
                            Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), TXT("UNKNOWN"));     \
                            Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);          \

Test that the expression result is false.

#define TEST_THROWS (   x)
try {                                                                   \
                            (x);                                                                \
							Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);       \
                        } catch(const Core::Exception& e) {                                     \
							Core::debugWrite(TXT("Thrown: %s\n"), e.twhat());                    \
							Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), true);        \
                        } catch(const std::exception& e) {                                      \
							Core::debugWrite(TXT("Thrown: %hs\n"), e.what());                    \
							Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), true);        \
                        } catch(...) {                                                          \
							Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), TXT("UNKNOWN"));  \
							Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(#x), false);       \

Test that the expression casuses an exception.

#define TEST_PASSED (   r)    Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(r), true);

Mark that the test has passed for the specified reason.

#define TEST_FAILED (   r)    Core::processAssertResult(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT(r), false);

Mark that the test has failed for the specified reason.

#define TEST_SUITE (   c,
Core::TestSetFilters filters;           \
                            if (!Core::parseCmdLine(c, v, filters)) \
                                return EXIT_FAILURE;                \
							Core::enableLeakReporting(true);     \
                            try {

Test suite preparation.

Core::setTestRunFinalStatus(true);                                      \
                            }                                                                           \
                            catch(const Core::Exception& e) {                                           \
								Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), e.twhat());          \
                                if (::IsDebuggerPresent()) ::DebugBreak();                              \
                                tcout << TXT("Unhandled Exception: ") << e.twhat() << std::endl;        \
                            } catch(...) {                                                              \
								Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), TXT("UNKNOWN"));     \
                                if (::IsDebuggerPresent()) ::DebugBreak();                              \
                                tcout << TXT("Unhandled Exception: UNKNOWN") << std::endl;              \
                            }                                                                           \
							Core::writeTestsSummary();                                                   \
                            return Core::getTestProcessResult();

Test suite reporting and cleanup.

#define TEST_SUITE_RUN ( )
if (!Core::runTestSets(filters))    \
                                return EXIT_FAILURE;

Run the self-registering test sets.

#define TEST_SUITE_MAIN (   c,
TEST_SUITE(argc, argv)      \
                                {                           \
                                    TEST_SUITE_RUN();       \
                                }                           \

Handle the entire setup, execution and reporting of the test suite.

#define TEST_SET (   t)
static void _##t##_TEST_SET();                                              \
                            static bool registered = Core::registerTestSet(TXT(#t), _##t##_TEST_SET);   \
                            static void _##t##_TEST_SET()                                               \
                            {                                                                           \

Define a set of test cases.

#define TEST_SET_END

End the test set definition.

#define TEST_CASE_SETUP ( )
struct TestCaseSetup {          \
                                    static void fn()

Define the test case setup function.

};                              \

End the test case setup function definition.

struct TestCaseTearDown {           \
                                    static void fn()

Define the test case teardown function.

};                              \

End the test case teardown function definition.

#define TEST_CASE (   t)
{                                                                           \
                            if (Core::onStartTestCase(TXT(t)))  {                                       \
                                try {

Define a test case.

}                                                                       \
                                catch(const Core::Exception& e) {                                       \
									Core::debugWrite(TXT("Thrown: %s\n"), e.twhat());                  \
									Core::processTestException(__FILE__, __LINE__, e.twhat());         \
                                } catch(...) {                                                          \
									Core::debugWrite(TXT("Unhandled Exception: %s\n"), TXT("UNKNOWN"));    \
									Core::processTestException(__FILE__, __LINE__, TXT("UNKNOWN"));        \
                                }                                                                       \
                            }                                                                           \
							Core::onEndTestCase();                                                       \

End the test case definition.

Function Documentation

__declspec ( dllimport  )